Custom Bookplates
- When checking out, use the notes section to write down which of the books illustrated by Natelle you would like a custom bookplate for, and describe the dedication you'd like (e.g. a special hand-written message, a specific name, or your favourite animal etc., bearing in mine the overall size of the bookplate label).
- Custom signed and doodled bookplate sticker labels for your copies of picture books illustrated by Natelle!
- Check out all published and upcoming books illustrated by Natelle HERE.
- All bookplates are free; we only ask that you pay for shipping!
- Bookplate label measures 8 x 8 cm (3.2 x 3.2 in) with slightly rounded edges. The labels are uncoated paper labels, and will be drawn and signed on with permanent sharpie marker by Natelle.
- Use the drop-down menu to choose the corresponding book for which your custom bookplate is intended.
- Packed with a stiff backing board in a paper bag.
- Shipped in a stiff board mailer.
- All packaging materials are fully recyclable.